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 1 水槛遣心二首(其一).mp3                                 1 Passing time on my waterside veranda- No.l.mp3     

 2 石犀行.mp3                                                         2 An intonement to the stone rhinos.mp3

 3 成都为客作.mp3                                                  3 For a friend departing Chengdu.mp3

 4 万里亭.mp3                                                         4 Wanli Pavilion.mp3

 5 春晓.mp3                                                             5 Spring dawn.mp3

 6 府江棹歌十二首(其一).mp3                                   6 Fisherman.mp3

 7 西郊.mp3                                                              7 The western suburbs.mp3

 8 石笋行.mp3                                                          8 An intonement to the stone columns.mp3

 9 文公讲堂.mp3                                                       9 The honorable Wen.mp3

 10 梅花.mp3                                                           10 Plum blossoms.mp3

 11 龙泉山顶远望.mp3                                              11 Looking afar on the summit of Mount Longquan.mp3

 12 青羊宫.mp3                                                        12 Qingyang Temple.mp3

 13 锦城竹枝词.mp3                                                 13 Bamboo song of the Brocade City.mp3                     

 14 题彭州阳平化.mp3                                              14 A poem about Yangping Temple of Pengzhou.mp3

 15 游海云寺唱和诗.mp3                                           15 Responding to other.mp3

 16 临江仙·送王缄.mp3                                              16 To the tune of Waterside Narcissus- Seeing off Wang Jian.mp3

 17 信相寺水月亭.mp3                                               17 The Water Moon Pavilion of Xinxiang Temple.mp3

 18 九月三日同吕周辅教授游大邑诸山.mp3                 18 Touring the mountains of Dayi with Lv Zhoufu the prefect professor on September 3rd.mp3

 19 九日试雾中僧所赠茶.mp3                                      19 Sampling tea shared by a monk residing in mist on Double Ninth Festival.mp3

 20 虞美人·李敷文席上.mp3                                         20 To the tune of Beauty Yu-At Li Fuwen.mp3

 21 题王庶山水 .mp3                                                   21 Inscribing Wang Shu.mp3

 22 新都弥牟镇八阵图.mp3                                          22 The Stone Sentinel Maze of the town of Mimou in Xindu.mp3

 23 新津县渡江.mp3                                                    23 River crossing in Xinjin County.mp3

 24 同庆阁.mp3                                                           24 Tongqing Pavilion.mp3

 25 二王庙落成陪徐明府恭谒纪事.mp3                         25 An account of paying respect to the newly constructed Temple ofTwo Kings with county magistrate Xu.mp3

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